Nytimes soup
Nytimes soup

Generally a smooth solve, with a couple of places to find faults.

nytimes soup

"At the bar" … because HANG GLIDERS hang onto a bar? It's tenuous, but it does work. ATWT isn't great, and PANAMAS is an odd way to refer to panama hats, but it all works reasonably well.Įven after uncovering HANG GLIDERS, it still took me a while to figure out the clue. VASO is a perilous crosser, but it's hard to imagine SU?ANRICE filled in with anything but an S. I'm not up on my cabinet members, but SUSAN RICE certainly has cred. Here, he pinched up the top and the bottom to make them more tractable, but that makes the middle much tougher. Robert wasn't kidding about a 62-word grid. Add the mushrooms and 1 teaspoon salt, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms have released their liquid and shrunk a bit, about 8 minutes.

nytimes soup

Cook, stirring occasionally, until translucent, about 5 minutes. Riffing on "shake" might be fruitful, too. Turn on the sauté setting on a 6- to 8-quart electric pressure cooker. Tough to figure out something sharper … perhaps That doesn't work either, but it would be fun to brainstorm. EPICENTERS had the start of a clever clue, but doesn't misdirect much. I wasn't as enthralled by the opposite stack.

nytimes soup

The question mark tells you that it's not FUMBLES or INTERCEPTIONS, but what could it be? Such a mischievous way to hint at cheerleaders doing CARTWHEELS down the sideline! HOME REMEDIES isn't as fun, especially given the straightforward clue, but DOUBLE DOG DARES is playground-level fun. Let stand until ready to serve, 5 to 10 minutes. Add the bok choy to the stock, immersing all of it, then immediately turn the heat to the lowest setting. In another large saucepan, bring the chicken stock to a boil. Is a great way to kick off (ha) a Saturday puzzle. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.

Nytimes soup